Approximate Similarity Search
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Approximate similarity search is a method used to find items in a dataset that are similar to a query item. This approach is often used when the dataset is too large to perform an exact search within a reasonable amount of time. It prioritises speed over accuracy, allowing for faster retrieval at the cost of potentially missing some relevant results. Approximate algorithms include methods like locality-sensitive hashing (LSH), tree-based indexing, and vector quantisation, among others. These algorithms are designed to quickly narrow down the search space to the most promising candidates without having to compare the query to every single item in the dataset.
Parameters for similarity search:
k parameter: In the context of similarity search, the "k" parameter specifies the number of nearest neighbors to retrieve. This is a common parameter in algorithms such as k-nearest neighbors (k-NN), which is used in various machine learning and information retrieval tasks, including classification, regression, and clustering.
Here's how it works:
When you perform a query for a similarity search, the "k" parameter tells the system how many of the most similar items to the query it should return.
The similarity is usually determined based on a distance metric, such as Euclidean distance, Manhattan distance, cosine similarity, etc.
The system will calculate the distance or similarity score between the query and every item in the dataset, then sort these items based on their scores. The "k" items with the smallest distances (or highest similarity scores) are returned as the result.
For instance, if you set k=10 in a similarity search, the system will return the 10 most similar items to your query from the dataset.